Phat Muscle Society

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What are the Main Causes of Acne?

Acne is a skin condition that causes red, swollen, and sometimes painful bumps on the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders. The problems of acne often begin during puberty and occur mostly due to changes in hormones. You have probably heard a lot about acne and its causes. Moreover, you might also have been told that acne is caused by poor hygiene, lack of sleep, or greasy foods. This may be true to some extent but other important factors also play a vital role in the rise of acne. 

Acne treatment now has got a lot easier with different types of acne treatment at Clinicare. However, it is essential to know the root cause of your acne and use the right treatment approach. Here are the main causes of acne that you should be aware of before trying any remedy for acne:

  • Excess oil or sebum production

Acne can be caused by an increase in both sebum (an oily substance) and testosterone levels. It is mainly produced by the sebaceous glands on the skin’s surface. During puberty, hormonal changes in both sexes cause the sebaceous glands to secrete a greater amount of sebum, which helps to keep the skin lubricated and supple. The presence of excess sebum causes the face’s oil glands to pump out more oil, which can lead to clogged pores and inflammation.

  • Certain medications

Acne can be caused by certain prescribed medications as well. For instance, some birth control pills can cause acne due to the contraceptive hormones that they contain. Smokers may also be more susceptible to developing acne because of their increased likelihood to absorb certain chemicals from tobacco smoke.

  • Diet

Acne can be caused by the way a person eats. Poor nutrition may lead to low levels of zinc in the body, which can then trigger acne. In addition, certain foods may increase the amount of testosterone in men and women. 

  • Genetics

There is a strong link between certain inherited genes and acne. When one parent has a gene that causes acne, there is a 50% chance that any child they have will also develop this genetically caused condition.

  • Stress

People who are under a lot of stress are more likely to develop acne than those who aren’t. Stress can affect the hormone levels in the body and make it harder for white blood cells to function properly. In addition, it may interfere with the body’s metabolism by increasing insulin levels, which can result in excess oil production.